Download the application form for crafters selling at The Old School
This one is for filling in on your computer or mobile device. If you fill it in on your computer, just hit the submit button and it will fly directly to our inbox.
This one is for filling in by hand.
Completed forms may be
—emailed to SeasideChristmasNS@gmail.com,
—mailed to Box 206, Musquodoboit Harbour, NS, B0J 2L0, or
—dropped off to 93 Riverside Avenue, Musquodoboit Harbour.
You can pay by
—e-transfer to SeasideChristmasNS@gmail.com,
We have auto-deposit.
Please remember to put SeasideChristmas vendor in the note.
—mailing your cheque along with your completed form to
Box 206, Musquodoboit Harbour, NS, B0J 2L0, or
—dropping it off along with your completed form to
93 Riverside Avenue, Musquodoboit Harbour.
Deadline is September 13th
We look forward to working with you!